Formulae for the MCAT

    Note: This list may not be exhaustive. Examinees should understand these formulae. Not all of them need to be memorized though. Judgement should be used in deciding which to memorize.

    PDF file: Formulae for the MCAT


      v = u + at
      v² = u² + 2as
      s = ut + ½at²

      F = ma

      F = Gm1m2/r2

      a = v2/r

      Static friction = FN mS

      Dynamic friction =FN mD

      MA = load/effort= number of supporting ropes in a frictionless pulley system

      VR = distance moved by effort / distance moved by load= number of supporting ropes

      Efficiency = work out / work in

      Moment = F x perpendicular distance to pivot point

      Momentum = mv

      Smv before collision = Smv after collision

      Impulse = Ft

      PE = mgh

      KE = ½mv2

      Work done = Fd

      Power = Fd/t

      Dl = kF

      Y = stress / strain = (F/A) / (Dl/l)

      S = stress / strain = (perpendicular F/A) / (Dx/l)

      B = stress / strain = DP / (DV/V)

      f µ Ö (k/m)

      T = 2p Ö (l/g)

      r = m/V

      Upward force on a body = weight of fluid displaced by that body

      Hydrostatic pressure = rgh

      r1A1v1 = r2A2v2

      P1 + rgh1 + ½rv12 = P2 + rgh2 + ½rv22

      Velocity of sound in a fluid, v = Ö (B/r)

      v µ Ö (T/mw)

      Velocity of sound in a solid = Ö (Y/r)

      Velocity of a wave in a taut string= Ö (tension/[mass/length])

      dB = 10log10(I/I0)

      Beat frequency = difference between the two frequencies

      f' = f(C±Vd / C±Vs)

      F = kq1q2/r²

      E = F/q

        Between two parallel plates, E = V/d
        Concerning a point charge, E = kq/r²

      V = Fd/q

      V = IR

      For resistors in series, RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...

      For resistors in parallel, 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ...

      Resistivity = RA/l

      C = q/V = permitivity x A/d

      For capacitors in series, 1/CT = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + ...

      For capacitors in parallel, CT = C1 + C2 + C3 + ...

      P = IV

      If a.c., P = (Imax/Ö2) (Vmax/Ö2) = Imax Vmax/2

      n1sin i = n2sin r

      1/f = 1/u + 1/v

      Lens power = 1/f
      where f is the focal length in m. Lens power is measured in diopters.

      Two lenses in contact:
      1/F = 1/f1 + 1/f2

      E = hf

      At = Aoe-kt

      t½ = ln2/k

    General Chemistry

      Number of moles = mass in grams / molecular weight

      PV = nRT

      KE µ T

      v µ Ö(T/mw)

      PT = P1 + P2 + P3 + ...

      P = mole fraction of solvent x Po

      DP = mole fraction of solute x Po

      DTBP= kb (molality of solute particles)

      DTFP = -kf (molality of solute particles)

      Osmotic Pressure = RT [molarity of solute particles]

      pH = -log10[H+]

      pOH = -log10[OH-]

      Kw = [H+] [OH-] = 10-14 (at 25oC)

      Ka = [H+] [A-] / [HA]

      pKa = -log10Ka

      Kb = [HA] [OH-] / [A-]

      pKb = -log10Kb

      Ka Kb = 10-14

      pKa + pKb = pKw = 14

      pH = pKa + log10[A-]/[HA]

      DE = q - w

      DG = DH - TDS

      DG = DG° + RTlnQ

      Keq = eDG°/-RT

      dA/dtIntegrated Forms
      0dA/dt =kAt = A0 - kt
      1dA/dt =kAAt = A0e-kt
      2dA/dt =kA21/At = (1/A0) + kt

      E = E° - (RT/nF)lnQ
      = E° - (0.026/n)lnQ

      Keq = enFE°/RT

      DG° = -nFE°


      p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

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