Mechanics II

    Translational Equilibrium

      A body is in translational equilibrium when the vector sum of forces acting on it is zero. As a result, the body stays in one location.

      Moment (or torque) = F x perpendicular distance to pivot point

    Rotational Equilibrium

      A body is in rotational equilibrium when the sum of clockwise moments = sum of counter-clockwise moments. As a result, the body does not rotate.

      Momentum = mv

      Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has direction as well as magnitude.

    Law of Conservation of Momentum

      Smv before collision = Smv after collision

    Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

      In an elastic collision, KE is conserved. In an inelastic collision, some or all of the KE is converted to sound, light, heat, and so forth.


      Impulse = change in momentum
      = D(mv)
      = mDv

      Since F = ma = mDv/t
      mDv = Ft
      or impulse = Ft

    Potential Energy (PE)

      PE = mgh

    Kinetic Energy (KE)

      KE = ½mv2


      Work done = Fd

      Where F is force and
      d is distance


      Power is the rate at which work is done

      Power = Fd/t = Fv

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